Dear natalie arcamax. Dear Amy: I work in a busy hair salon. I have many ...

May 18, 2024 · Life Advice / Dear Abby / May 14, 2024. DEAR ABB

Annie Lane on Mar 15, 2024. Dear Annie: Please give me your opinion. I am an 84-year-old widow. I have one child, a son, and one grandchild in town. My other children live hours away. I no longer drive. I am financially independent and have someone to come clean twice a month, drive me to run errands, go to the doctor, do grocery shopping and ...DEAR ABBY: My parents have been divorced for 30 years. It was an unpleasant divorce because Dad had an affair with a woman he worked with and married her soon after. Mom was devastated. She and Dad were high school sweethearts. Both have moved on from this -- sort of. Dad has since divorced, remarried and divorced again.DEAR NATALIE: I've just started dating someone new that I'm really excited about. We're keeping it casual because he just got out of a long term relationship, which works well for me. He still lives with his ex-partner in the house they own together. Based on what my date has told me, they have a neutral relationship that doesn't bother ...DEAR ABBY: My husband and I live in a lovely older neighborhood and have enjoyed wonderful neighbors over many years. The homes are close together with windows often left open in spring, summer and fall, as large shade trees keep our homes cool. A couple of years ago, our longtime next-door neighbors moved, and a new neighbor, a single woman, ...Dear Amy: My wonderful daughter and her husband have been together for 15 years. They met in college and have been together since the time of their very first meeting. We genuinely love her husband, "Danny," and consider him our son. They have a one-year-old child and we absolutely adore our grandson. Danny's job is challenging and he is very successful. Our daughter is taking a break ...Dear Amy: Several months ago, I confessed to one of my best friends of 10 years (we're both women) that I felt extremely close to her and that sometimes I had more than platonic feelings. We were drinking in excess and shared a long, intimate hug. This was more than a platonic hug, but we discussed the situation and buried it. The issue is that she has a wife, and so do I. This created a lot ...Dear Annie: My only brother is 70, two years younger than me. We've not been close or communicating for months. I still resent his failure to acknowledge my marriage years ago. He was not present at my wedding, nor did he even send a greeting card. He missed out on all the formative years of my three children, never attending their events.Annie Lane on Mar 6, 2024. Dear Annie: I have a son who's going to be 3 in August. He's been going through the "Terrible Twos," and as you can imagine, it's been terrible. His thing right now is that he will throw a fit, and then when he's done, he will wrap his arms around me and say, "I love you, Mommy!" Well, my husband's aunt has rolled ...Dear Amy: My childhood friend of 15 years and I lived together for three years as roommates. We were amazing friends and great roommates to each other. Two of the three years we cohabited were during the darkest days of the pandemic, so we spent a ton of time together. It was so fun. When I met my boyfriend during the second year of living together, Childhood Friend and I saw each other less ...Getting Curious Instead of Getting Defensive. Annie Lane on May 20, 2024. Dear Annie: After reading the letter from "Family Friend," who is concerned about the development of the 2-year-old child of a friend, I wanted to share my own experiences. Perhaps this child may not be speaking well because he is not hearing properly.Annie Lane on May 7, 2024. Dear Annie: You recently said you rarely get letters praising mothers-in-law. Well, here is one! I grew up in an abusive family with a mother who has severe borderline personality disorder and refuses to get medication or therapy. When I met my mother-in-law, I was naturally very distrustful of her.Bridging Distance in Busy Marriage. Annie Lane on May 16, 2024. Dear Annie: I've been happily married for over 12 years, but lately, I've noticed a growing distance between my husband "Bryan" and me. He's always been a bit of a workaholic, but it's gotten to the point where even on weekends, he's either at the office or on his phone dealing ...Clashing Values With My In-Laws. Dear Annie: My daughter is the only grandchild, and my mother gives her a gift every time we see her. I've told her several times that we don't want to overwhelm our child (3 years old) with material things, that she has too many toys she doesn't play with. It's very important to my husband and I that our child ...Natalie Portman's Awkward R-Rated Movie Moment | Letterman. on Jan 8, 2024. Published in Jokes. Subscribe. From straight A's to R. (From "Late Show," air date: 2/1/96) Laugh everyday with a dose of our daily jokes.“Dear” followed by the title of the recipient, such as Ms., Dr. or Professor, is one of the most common salutations for letters and e-mails. The salutation “Hi” should only be used...Dear Amy: I married my high school sweetheart. We've been together for 50 years. We had a great sexual relationship until five years ago. My husband has a serious drinking problem which I have tolerated for decades. He has called me nasty and vulgar names, and now does nothing but watch TV and drink. When my father died last year, he didn't offer an ounce of compassion - instead he made ...Dear Amy: My husband's narcissistic father died by suicide three months ago. After over 25 years of our adult life dealing with his childish, nasty, out-of-proportion reactions to our lifestyle and family values, we created boundaries for him within our family. It infuriated him that he could not control us with money in order to get us to adore him. He wrote my husband out of his will and ...Ask Amy: Father and daughter disconnect over disclosure. Life Advice / Ask Amy / May 13, 2024. Dear Amy: In 1964, I met my wife “Laura” and her infant baby “Beth.” (Laura had gotten pregnant with a married man.) Laura and I were married, and I adopted Beth when she was 1 year old. We raised Beth as my biological daughter and never …Dickinson is a natural fit for ArcaMax Publishing's advice line-up that includes Dear Abby, Carolyn Hax and Annie's Mailbox. At the Chicago Tribune, the "Ask Amy" column succeeded the great "Ann Landers" as the premier advice column. Dickinson, who is a distant relative of the great poet Emily Dickinson, grew up on a dairy farm in New York.Healing Is Required on Both Sides. Annie Lane on Mar 11, 2024. Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for 17 years and have five adopted children through foster care. We have gone through a lot of tough situations with the children during the last six years, which put a lot of pressure on our marriage, including financially.Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Good advice for everyone -- teens to seniors -- is in "The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It." To order, send your name and mailing ...Life Advice / Dear Abby / May 12, 2024. DEAR ABBY: I'm a 67-year-old father to a wonderful daughter. She has decided to stay with her boyfriend, who recently got out of jail for stealing $200,000 from his grandparents. Because of this, I do not want to leave her a large sum of money when I pass.Dear Amy: I have a very good friend named "Carl," who recently began dating a guy named "Samuel." Samuel is cold to me and seems threatened by my long-standing close friendship with Carl. I've mentioned this to Carl, who's been dismissive about it. Recently, Carl had a significant birthday, and when I asked if he was doing anything special, he said he was celebrating it out of town ...Dear Amy: My friend is 15 years older than me. She has her Ph.D. and teaches at a university. She lives beyond her means and is now working two jobs to help pay her credit card bills. She has been married and divorced twice. She is fun to be around; we laugh for hours. She recently asked us if my husband would build a tiny house on our property for her to move into. She expects my husband to ...Dear Amy: My father recently died. I am the child of his first wife. He also had a child with his second wife, to whom he was married for 50 years. My half-brother "Gerald" and I get along fine. Our father's obituary was written so that it sounded like his second wife was his only wife, with no mention of my mother. Dad was prominent in his field, and his Wikipedia entry also makes no ...Annie Lane on Feb 23, 2024. Dear Annie: I have a friend whose son was taking a job across the country after his wedding. She hosted a bridal shower since many of us had met her future daughter-in-law and her parents didn't live nearby. We were asked to give our best marital advice and bring a gift. Since I wasn't married and I had a custodial ...Dear Amy: My husband and I were thrilled recently to have the opportunity to leave town for one night. My parents offered to watch our 4-year-old son for the 24 hours we were gone. My folks live locally and have spent a lot of time with their grandson, but they've never done the overnight thing before. We left our folks very prepared with pre-made meals, and we were confident that everything ...Valentine’s Day is not just a day to celebrate romantic love; it is also an opportunity to show affection and appreciation for the special people in our lives. Dear granddaughter, ...May 11, 2024 · Dear Amy: I have been walking buddies with a neighbor for the last 12 years. We walk together about once a week. While I usually enjoy our time, there have been unsettling emotional outbursts from her, either crying or screaming about one thing or another. She has even yelled at me personally, which was shocking and embarrassing to me, and I admit I have yelled back once or twice – and I am ...Husband Prioritizes Blood Family Over Wife. Dear Annie: I have been married now for just over three decades to who I thought was the love of my life. For years, I have noticed that my husband regards his birth family to be No. 1 and our immediate family No. 2. He was hooked on his beautiful and caring mom until she was tragically taken back ...Abigail Van Buren on Apr 26, 2024. DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend is 18 years younger than I am. Our relationship hasn't been perfect, but I love him to death. Unfortunately, I'm going through menopause and have all the side effects. Long story short, he found another girl. It was just supposed to be for sex, and he told me he wouldn't get into ...Life Advice / Miss Manners / May 24, 2024. DEAR MISS MANNERS: I'm a 23-year-old lady with a 54-year-old father. At restaurants, he often makes comments to the waitresses, asking them if they're married or have a significant other. It terribly embarrasses me, because these questions are more creepy than he thinks.Annie Lane on May 4, 2024. Dear Annie: I grew up never allowed to have pets. I've been married almost 30 years to a man who allowed me to have a small inside dog, and he doesn't mind her so much but hates the two we have outside. Both are rescues, one from his oldest son that had him tied to a tree, the other from a rescue group.Dear Amy: I have an open relationship with "Brett," my partner of many years. I allow Brett to have sex with other women as long as I am comfortable with the woman and privy to all communication between them. Only sex is allowed, with no dating or relationship. Recently Brett saw "Charlotte," a single female (with my approval). When he started seeing Charlotte too often and without ...Abby shares more than 100 of her favorite recipes in two booklets: "Abby's Favorite Recipes" and "More Favorite Recipes by Dear Abby." Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $16 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Cookbooklet Set, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.)Tardy Thank-You Notes. Annie Lane on Mar 22, 2024. Dear Annie: My daughter received some lovely gifts for her quinceanera (an important milestone in Mexican and Latin American cultures that celebrates a girl's 15th birthday). Unfortunately, there were a few without cards or tags. I am not sure if the card became accidentally separated from the ...Brother's New Girlfriend Gets off on the Wrong Foot. Life Advice / Dear Annie / May 10, 2024. Dear Annie: My recently divorced brother has a new girlfriend. He has been divorced for three months. She has introduced him to all of her friends and family. She was married 20 years and went through a bitter divorce and had several bad dating ...Setting Boundaries and Seeking Balance. Annie Lane on May 14, 2024. Dear Annie: I have a younger co-worker who I met at a work social event, and we started talking a bit about novels we are writing as a hobby. A few weeks later, he came by my cubicle to ask me more about writing, so I gave him a few resources to a local writers group.Smile! Annie Lane on Apr 20, 2024. Dear Annie: I notice many readers have problems and anxieties. Maybe something my mother taught me will help them. She lost two husbands to illness and had a chronic illness herself. We almost lost my brother on the same day my dad died. She raised three boys in a small town taking any job available.DEAR NATALIE: I have been having an affair for about three years with a married man from my office and I am sick of the mind games he has been playing with me. He always talks to me about leaving his wife but he has yet to separate. I am tired of being "the other woman" and just want to be able to be together without all of the drama.Annie Lane on Mar 15, 2024. Dear Annie: Please give me your opinion. I am an 84-year-old widow. I have one child, a son, and one grandchild in town. My other children live hours away. I no longer drive. I am financially independent and have someone to come clean twice a month, drive me to run errands, go to the doctor, do grocery shopping and ...Life Advice / Dear Annie / May 21, 2024. Dear Annie: My brother-in-law passed away 10 years ago, and tragically, my sister, his wife, passed on two years later, leaving behind their three boys: "Tom" (14), "Freddie" (17) and "Dennis" (22). Initially, my wife and I offered to take in Tom, the youngest, but the boys wanted to stay together.Apr 24, 2024 · April 10, 2024. Ask Natalie: Son wants to move back home but doesn’t want to pay you rent? Had a baby and now your husband belittling everything you do? DEAR NATALIE: My 22-year-old son and his girlfriend want to move in with us to save money. They both work in the food industry and just can’t seem to make ends meet.News, email and search are just the beginning. Discover more every day. Find your yodel.Dear Amy: My teenage daughter recently came to me saying that she needed a new smartphone. I took a look, and it was basically smashed. She said she was at her friend's house when this happened. I called the friend's mom and she told me that both girls had deliberately broken their phones in order to get new ones (this was before Christmas, so I guess they were hoping to find a shiny new ...Keeping Politics out of My Friendships. Annie Lane on Feb 4, 2024. Dear Annie: I just read the letter about a friend who talks about politics too much, and the writer said it was causing them to question whether or not to end their friendship. I had a similar situation some years back with a cousin. So I asked my aunt (not the cousin's mom) how ...It's Come To This: Gift Registries For 7-Year-Olds. Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin on May 22, 2024. DEAR MISS MANNERS: Gifts used to be something one put thought into. Unlike some of your readers, I don't mind wedding registries. I treat them as guides, not demands, and don't feel constrained to purchasing from the list ...Life Advice / Miss Manners / May 24, 2024. DEAR MISS MANNERS: I'm a 23-year-old lady with a 54-year-old father. At restaurants, he often makes comments to the waitresses, asking them if they're married or have a significant other. It terribly embarrasses me, because these questions are more creepy than he thinks.Dear Annie: My bullheaded 50-year-old daughter has taken gossip from 32 years ago to make my life a living hell. I have four grown children. My older daughter called everyone she could think of ...This recipe is included in my cookbooklet set, which, in addition to desserts, includes many other delicious crowd-pleasing recipes for entertaining. To order it, send your name and address, plus check or money order for $16 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby Cookbooklet Set, P.O. Box 447, Mt. Morris, IL 61054-0447.Mar 27, 2024 · Clashing Values With My In-Laws. Dear Annie: My daughter is the only grandchild, and my mother gives her a gift every time we see her. I've told her several times that we don't want to overwhelm our child (3 years old) with material things, that she has too many toys she doesn't play with. It's very important to my husband and I that our child ...Dear Amy: I am involved in a very messy situation. I had an affair with a married man 33 years older (I am 25, he is 58). I didn't go out looking for it, but one thing led to another. He'd been having marital problems for several years. He described his wife as being a good person but someone who is a spectator in life rather than a participant. They are like housemates who sometimes have ...Dear Amy: My wonderful daughter and her husband have been together for 15 years. They met in college and have been together since the time of their very first meeting. We genuinely love her husband, "Danny," and consider him our son. They have a one-year-old child and we absolutely adore our grandson. Danny's job is challenging and he is very successful. Our daughter is taking a break ...Annie Lane on May 10, 2024. Dear Annie: My recently divorced brother has a new girlfriend. He has been divorced for three months. She has introduced him to all of her friends and family. She was married 20 years and went through a bitter divorce and had several bad dating experiences from dating sites. She seems to be elated to find a nice guy ...Congratulate him on his upcoming wedding. Let him tell you about his fiancee and their plans for the future. When the time is right, tell him that you do not think it is appropriate for you to attend his wedding -- for many reasons. While you are happy for him that he has found a life partner, you believe that your breakup is still too fresh ...Dear Amy: I married my high school sweetheart. We've been together for 50 years. We had a great sexual relationship until five years ago. My husband has a serious drinking problem which I have tolerated for decades. He has called me nasty and vulgar names, and now does nothing but watch TV and drink. When my father died last year, he didn't offer an ounce of compassion - instead he made ...Dear Amy: My youngest son "Thomas" dated "Allyssa" sporadically during high school. It was a volatile relationship (he's non-confrontational, she loves drama). Allyssa became pregnant at the end of his senior year (her junior year). He took a paternity test to confirm that he was the father. They managed to work out visitation (nothing legal). Thomas has "Trent" three days a week (overnight). ...Ask Amy: Father and daughter disconnect over disclosure. Life Advice / Ask Amy / May 13, 2024. Dear Amy: In 1964, I met my wife “Laura” and her infant baby “Beth.” (Laura had gotten pregnant with a married man.) Laura and I were married, and I adopted Beth when she was 1 year old. We raised Beth as my biological daughter and never …Healing From the Heartache of Abusive Adoptive Parents. Annie Lane on Mar 13, 2024. Dear Annie: I come from a long history of family dysfunction. Child abuse, toxicity and abandonment are all I ever knew growing up. I developed severe complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder coming into my preteen years.Dear Annie®. Advice columnist Annie Lane is a young wife and mother with a gift for helping other people solve problems. In a voice that's sympathetic, funny and firm, Lane provides common-sense solutions to life's dilemmas. Read more about Annie Lane in her bio.Compliment Good Behavior. Annie Lane on Apr 17, 2024. Dear Annie: A few months ago, someone wrote to you about how uncomfortable the bad manners of children of a relative made her feel at large family gatherings and dinners. I read your column faithfully and did not see any readers' suggestions printed in the following weeks.Dear Amy: I'm a 33-year-old woman. My daughter is 11. She and I live with my parents. My parents own the house, and I pay them rent each month. Both of my parents are in their early 70s. My father works part time. They don't seem to need the extra money that my rent provides (they are always buying new games and gadgets for themselves). I want to have my own life. I want to move into my own ...Celebrating Mothers and Their Enduring Love. Annie Lane on May 12, 2024. "Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved." -- Erich Fromm. "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers." -- Rudyard Kipling. "Men are what their mothers made them." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson.Warning Signs of Undiagnosed Dementia. Annie Lane on Apr 10, 2024. Dear Annie: I'm writing in response to the letter from "Brokenhearted Grandma," whose husband grew angry and controlling over time. Reading about what has happened in her family brought back memories of what happened in my own family. After 20 years of marriage, my husband also ...Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Mar 2, 2024. Dear Amy: I love to travel. It's almost an obsession, and age (I'm over 80) has not dulled my desire to GO. I had a good job and saved so that I could travel a lot in retirement. My husband, however, has lost a lot of his wanderlust, and will only go if I beg and plead.Dear Amy: "Dave" and I have dated for four years. We love each other and are both committed to our relationship. Although we have both agreed not to marry, having survived devastating divorces, we have talked at length about consolidating our homes and moving in together. My trepidation has completely paralyzed me. Dave is a professional who earns an extremely good living. He is very ...Ask Amy: Parents respond to a hotline call. Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Dec 27, 2023. Dear Amy: Six years ago, my two adult stepdaughters confronted us with their “concerns” that their mother and I knew that our 17-year-old son smoked marijuana. We did know about his pot use and clearly explained the steps we were …Dear Amy: Six years ago, my two adult stepdaughters confronted us with their "concerns" that their mother and I knew that our 17-year-old son smoked marijuana. We did know about his pot use and clearly explained the steps we were already undertaking in getting him the help he had recently requested. Our stepdaughters immediately alerted DCFS. A conviction would have destroyed our .... Celebrating Mothers and Their Enduring LDear Annie: Frequently, I read letters in your column from old Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on Dec 26, 2023. Dear Readers: As I offer my 20 th annual year-end "charity roundup," I'd like to remind readers that while charity truly does begin at home, it need not stay there. Those who can afford to share their material wealth should give abundantly, donating locally to the local library, after ...Retirement is a milestone in one’s life that marks the end of a long and fruitful career. It is a time to celebrate the achievements and hard work of your dear friend as they embar... Balancing Boundaries and Support. Annie Lane on M Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Good advice for everyone -- teens to seniors -- is in "The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It." To order, send your name and mailing ...Dear Annie: I met my husband eight years ago. When I agreed to marry him, I had a great relationship with his two kids from his previous marriage. At the time we got married, they were 7 and 4 years old. I started noticing strange behavior from his ex-wife over the last seven years. Dear Amy: Twenty years ago, "Sadie" and I divorced after 12...

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